Friday, September 20, 2013

The Best Days of Your Life

Everyone always told me that college is the best time of your life... Is that really true? Am I headed downhill from here on out?
I have been thinking about this for awhile, and I have come to the conclusion that stages of life are all different and hard to compare the "greatness" of. In college, I had little to no responsibility other than to feed myself, do my homework, and attend classes(which was hit or miss depending on the class---I mean really, who wants to go to Jazz History? Not me!). I truly did not realize how great life was until I look back on it. I spent almost every single waking moment of my college career with friends, with frequent sleepovers at night too! I thrive on being with my friends, even if it just to hang out and do nothing of important but sit around and watch re-runs of Gilmore Girls, eat cookie dough, or play Scattergories. 

Part of moving to Florida that has been so hard on me, is my lack of friend group here. I miss having several people to hang out with everyday. After college, we all still hung out just before or after our shifts at work. 
I remember with fondness all the memories I have from high school, college, and the year after. From graduating high school, moving into the dorms Freshman year of college, to moving off campus Sophomore year with friends. Friendships changing and evolving, saying good bye to the close friendships of some, and welcoming the new friendships of individuals met in the crazy ride called college. Even now, some friends I still talk to often. Others I talk to seldom, but I think of often. I want to try to be better at communicating with them. I think I need to make new friends, but that doesn't mean I need to leave the old ones in the dust. Some friendships I believe are destined to end. Some through fighting, and some just through the seasons of change. I sometimes wish I could rewind my life and go back to a  moment I remember with fondness just to experience it again. Sometimes I want to pause during something wonderful happening, and other times I want to fast forward my life to a place in the future. Then I realized something of monumental proportions. You cannot change you life by rewinding, pausing, or hitting the fast forward button. We don't have that kind of control, and even if we did, why would we want to do that? I believe we learn from every experience good and bad. No one said building character was easy.

Everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes you have to learn that you can't fix what happened. You learn from it. I do not regret anything I have done in my life. If I did, I wouldn't be where I am today. That sounds so cliche and annoying, sorry but it is true. 
I wouldn't be me without the fights about the washing machine, the tears from Math 111, the laughter from embarrassing moments ( doors really need to be locked!!!), the break-ups and heartbreak, the all-nighters of theme parties, and the cuddle puddle sessions in the butt...(don't ask)
I have so many fond memories even of the hard times. I think that is what makes life great. The memories. You can make memories at any time of your life. I still have so much life ahead of me. Hopefully a husband and a house full of kids. Finally getting settled into a career I love. and more....
My life will dip and rise and plateau.....and that is okay with me. It isn't about a time of life that is the best. There are lots of "bests". All are different. The different new awesome times are yet to come. No regrets baby! Live life! 

1 comment:

  1. "Make new friends. But Keep the old. One is silver and the other is gold."
