Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Neck/Back Pain

Does anyone else feel like everyone in their life seems to have their shit together? I feel like I am floating in a sea of confusion about everything. Everyone seems to know what they want to do with their life. They are either pursuing it, or already set in what they want to do. What is wrong with me? I keep telling myself to get my act together. Other's say to "Not compare myself to others"...yeah, right. Who can prevent that? 

On top of floating in my own little lost world, a few days ago my neck and back started hurting. It is steadily getting worse. I have had back/neck issues for years after a car accident injury went untreated for a year or so. I used to be a frequent visitor of the chiropractor. Muscle relaxers and the chiropractor were the only things that helped the muscle spasms and intense pain. The spasms slowly tapered off, until I visited the chiropractor every so often for an adjustment when I felt "off" or was in pain. Now that I moved to Florida, I do not have that option. 

My health insurance got messed up(very long story)!!! <But avoid CIGNA at ALL costs, worst company I have ever dealt with in my life>. So for now, I have been icing/heating the tight painful muscles. I wish it would all just go away!!! I am pretty sure I need an adjustment, and muscle relaxers.

The only saving grace really, is that my boyfriend made me lunch, and is taking care of dinner. I have been sitting in my pajamas all day watching movies, scrolling Facebook, looking at blogs I follow, and icing my neck. Currently Wheel of Fortune is on. I feel like I am eighty years old. 

Everyone always says, "It will get better". Will it really? I hope so. I feel depressed and in pain. Thank god for take out and ice cream.

Night all.

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